Oral History Transcript — Dr. Guido Beck

Histórico Leite Lopes
Guido Beck in Rio de Janeiro
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
The letters that I exchanged with Guido Beck in the years 1946-1980 describe some of our scientific actívities in that period.
In 1946, I returned from Princeton where I had worked with Wolfgang Pauli and Josef Maria Jauch, during the years 1944 and 1945. In Rio, I learnt from the Portuguese mathematician António Aniceto Monteiro who was teaching at the Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia, from the German physicist Bernhard Gross who was at the National Institute of Technology and from Costa Ribeiro, Physics Professor at the National Faculty of Philosophy, that Guido Beck was in Argentina, at the Observatório Astronómico de Córdoba, with a position that had been offered him by the Argentine Physicist Enrique Gaviola. (…)
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